The July ETM Course ran over over the weekend and it was another very successful course. We had a great mix of ACRRM & RACGP GP’s, ED Registrars (adult & paeds), ED Consultants, and even an inpatient Trauma Registrar, and I was really impressed with everyone’s enthusiasm and positive feedback. Thanks also to our excellent instructor faculty, several of whom came from interstate to teach on the course.
Here’s what one of our participants had to say after the course:
“Just wanted to say thanks for a fantastic course. This has been a tremendous effort and a great example of appropriately targeted well-planned curriculum together with excellent scenarios and debriefing. Having finished a clinical education term, this is everything I could wish to deliver myself”. Joe, ED Registrar, Melbourne
One of the (many) highlights of the course was our “ask the experts” session, with Minh Le Cong (from the Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine blog & podcast) streaming live from Cairns via Google Hangout, talking about remote airway and trauma challenges.
Minh was nice enough to do a screencast of the session and post it over the PHARM blog, and you can check it out here:
(Pardon the minor technical difficulties at the start, we had some bandwidth issues with Minh’s slideshow!). Bring on the NBN…
If you’re interested in doing the course, we still have places left for the Adelaide course in October (register here), alternatively you can sign up to be notified when we release the 2015 course dates by adding your email address below!
Please let me know when the 2015 ETM Course dates are announced!
Posted in Course News