NHET-Sim is the National Health Education and Training in Simulation program. It is part of a federally funded program by the Australian Government that is open to all Australian health practitioners wishing to use simulation as an education tool. I’m sure many of you are finding that there is a booming interest in simulation in Emergency Medicine education. Many ED Directors are catching on to this and are putting out directives to the ED Consultants to “start doing some sim” in their weekly teaching sessions. Unfortunately many people have no training in running simulation and may not be running scenarios or giving feedback in the most educationally useful way.
NHET-Sim is a way for those who don’t have the time to do a formal degree course, or who don’t have access to a Sim-Centre to learn about the educational background to simulation, and to learn ways to run better sim sessions at your workplace.
I’ve enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Clinical Simulation at Monash University this year, and have found it a real eye-opener into the world of simulation. I’ve incorporated a lot of what I’ve learned through this course into the general educational structure, and more specifically the scenarios in the ETM Course, and I’d encourage anyone who has the time to check out the Grad Cert via the Monash University website.
For everyone else, there’s NHET-Sim. You can do the NHET-Sim program over 3 months, either via mixed face-to-face/e-learning, or solely via e-learning. So check it out, and maybe you can boost the educational utility of your ED sim sessions!
Posted in Simulation, Trauma Education