ED Critical Procedures Course: 6th October, 2023 (FACEMs, Advanced trainees, GP’s)
ED Critical Procedures Course 6th October , 2023
October 6, 2023
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: APLS Head Office, Melbourne
Venue Website: https://www.apls.org.au/
Address:This course is suitable for:
- Advanced Trainees/Senior Registrars in Emergency Medicine
- Rural/Remote General Practitioners
- Senior RACGP/ACRRM Registrars
- Advanced trainees/fellows in other critical care specialties (ICU, Anaesthetics)
Consultants $1400.00*
Registrars $690.00* (* Price includes GST)
To register for a course:
- Select the applicable ticket type from the options below and click “Register Now.”
- Following the completion of your registration details, please click on “Proceed to payment.”
- Select the preferred payment option and “Proceed to finalise registration.”
- Registration confirmation and a Tax Invoice/Receipt will be emailed to you following receipt of payment.
Payment at the time of registration is required to secure your place. ETM operates on a “first-paid, first-in” basis and places cannot be reserved pending payment. If you would like to claim course costs (e.g. from your hospital department), we recommend that you pay first and claim the expenses later.
A timetable and course details will be emailed to you prior to the course.
Terms and Conditions
Registration for the ED Critical Procedures Course and cancellations are strictly subject to our terms and conditions. Please see our privacy policy regarding our collection of your personal information.